Cookie Policy

How do we Collect and Use Information from Cookies?

Welcome to (the “Site”). Cookies are small text files that act as a short-term memory for most websites. They allow the Site to easily remember pieces of information between visits or pages as the cookies are stored in the user's browser.

Cookies & Cookie Preferences (Updated 12/16/20)

Cookies are used by most websites. They are meant to enhance the user’s experience in these ways:

  • Recall users' habitual preferences
  • Recognize users' devices
  • Help users' complete tasks without having to re-enter their information when visiting the page later

We use cookies for purposes of authenticating users and remembering user logged-in status. We also use cookies to collect aggregate demographic information to improve the Site, for system administration and to track potential abuse of our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

The information we collect via cookies is used in aggregate for marketing purposes. None of the data is personally identifiable to any one user.

You can delete any cookies served to your browser by clearing your cache (referred to as “Clear History” on some browsers). You also have the option to use an Incognito or Private window in your browser when you first visit the site. This will avoid cookies from being served to your browser. You can learn more about cookies on SabbaticalHomes in our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).

Accepting the Cookie Policy

By using the Site, you signify your acceptance of the Site’s Cookie Policy.

For help or more information about SabbaticalHomes, go to our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)